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Прискоріть свою відкриту банківську інфраструктуру

Запроваджуючи тенденції, концепції, стандарти і технології у галузі, NRC Open Bank Group є трендсеттером Open-source software finance, що включає рішення p розробки та розвитку API-інфраструктури установ, інституцій та організацій з відкритим кодом для Open Banking.

* NRC OBI has supports all the regional standards and frameworks.


Drive innovation & scale your partnership effort

Our technology was built with fintech developers in mind, giving them a superior experience and unparalleled access to tools and documentation to boost their productivity.

Enhance security & control

Control third-party relations using access control, monitoring, and authentication in the OBI API Management Stack. Decide which APIs to expose and to whom, and revoke access at any time.

The solution is deployed on-site behind the bank’s firewall, ensuring a level of security equal to or better than the bank’s current systems.

Experiment in the open

OBI offers a fully-operational and self-contained sandbox environment deployed in the cloud or on-site using test data. The sandbox enables the bank to offer an experimentation facility not connected to production systems (ideal for hackathons and prototyping). Developers can then engage in creative experimentation using a catalogue of over 400 pre-built APIs – e.g. access to accounts, transactions, payments, KYC, etc.

Simplify integration with your legacy

Using best-of-breed, functional and scalable technology, the Open Bank Project provides a set of pre-built connectors and adapters that integrate with core banking systems.

The overall architecture comprises modular building blocks which enable organisations to cherry-pick modules that best fit their requirements.

Future proof your bank in accordance with Open Banking regulation

NRC OBI enables EU PSD2 compliance out-of-the-box, covering everything from payment initiation to Strong Customer Authentication (SCA). The platform also offers the ability to surface multiple industry standards at the same time.

We commit to tracking regulatory changes and enhancing the platform accordingly, making the solution future-proof in terms of future Open Banking regulations in Ukraine and the global.


Powered by Open Source and a stellar international team

Open Bank Project is open source. This means organisations can access the latest source code at any time, benefit from the input of third party professionals and other banks and test the solution freely. For commercial use, our customers can subscribe to a commercial licence which gives access to hardened security patches, proprietary connectors and enterprise support by the pioneers of the Open Banking movement.


Our multistructure APIs capabilities


Access the user’s list of accounts and account information such as the balance.


Access the transaction history and metadata of accounts.

​Branches, ATMs

Access the list of branches and ATMs for the specified bank including geolocation and opening hours.


Enrich transaction and counterparties with metadata including geolocations, comments, pictures and tags (e.g. category of spending).


Access the payers & payees of an account including metadata such as their aliases, labels, logos and home pages.


Enable customer meetings, messages and video conferencing for KYC and CRM operations (uses third party video streaming).

​Onboarding and KYC

Perform user, customer and account creation. Access Know Your Customer (KYC) documents, media and KYC status.

​API Roles, Metrics and Documentation

Enable account holders to grant fine-grained access to third-party users and applications, get API metrics and documentation.

Payments and transaction requests

Initiate transfers. View and confirm charges (as per PSD2).

​Search Warehouse

Perform advanced searches and statistics queries on the data warehouse.

​Dynamic Endpoints

Quickly create endpoints using Swagger / Open API specification files.


Let us help you accelerate your Open Banking journey


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